Saturday, January 25, 2020

Organizational Culture in Turkish :: Foreign Turkey Turkish Essays

Organizational Culture in Turkish Ãâ€"rgà ¼t kà ¼ltà ¼rà ¼ ile ilgili à §alà ½Ãƒ ¾malarà ½n 1970’li yà ½llarda baà ¾ladà ½Ãƒ °Ãƒ ½ ve 1980’lerde ise aà °Ãƒ ½rlà ½k kazandà ½Ãƒ °Ãƒ ½ gà ¶rà ¼lmektedir . Bunun sebeplerinden ilki, à ¶rgà ¼tte à §eà ¾itli kà ¼ltà ¼rlerden gelen insanlarà ½n oluà ¾turduklarà ½ alt kà ¼ltà ¼rlerin birbirleri à ¼zerinde kurmak istedikleri iktidar mà ¼cadelelerinden kaynaklanan olumsuz à §atà ½Ãƒ ¾ma ortamà ½nà ½ engellemek ià §in bir à ¼st kà ¼ltà ¼rà ¼n tanà ½mlanmasà ½na ihtiyaà § duyulmasà ½dà ½r. Bà ¶ylece à ¶rgà ¼te gelen à §alà ½Ãƒ ¾anlar kapà ½dan ià §eri girerken dà ½Ãƒ ¾arà ½dan getirdikleri kendi kà ¼ltà ¼rel kimlik ve deà °erlerini tà ½pkà ½ paltolarà ½nà ½ askà ½ya asar gibi dà ½Ãƒ ¾arà ½da bà ½rakacaklar ve ià ¾ à ¶nlà ¼klerini giyer gibi à ¶rgà ¼tà ¼n à ¼st kà ¼ltà ¼rel kimlià °ini takà ½nacaklardà ½r. à kincisi, 1970’li yà ½llardan itibaren Japonya’nà ½n, yà ¶netim ve ià ¾letmecilik alanà ½nda Amerika’nà ½n à ¼stà ¼nlà ¼Ãƒ °Ãƒ ¼nà ¼ kà ½rmaya baà ¾lamasà ½dà ½r. Bilindià °i à ¼zere, 1960’là ½ ve 1970’li yà ½llar arasà ½ Amerika’nà ½n dà ¼nya ekonomisinde yà ¶netim ve ià ¾letmecilik alnà ½nda à ¼stà ¼nlà ¼Ãƒ °Ãƒ ¼nà ¼n tartà ½Ãƒ ¾masà ½z kabul edildià °i bir dà ¶nem olma à ¶zellià °i taà ¾Ãƒ ½maktadà ½r. Oysaki II. Dà ¼nya Savaà ¾Ãƒ ½nà ½n hemen arkasà ½ndan Japon ià ¾letmelerinin birà §ok alanda Amerikan ià ¾letmelerinin à ¶nà ¼ne geà §mesi ve à ¼lkelerini ekonomik bir sà ¼per gà ¼Ãƒ § olmaya doà °ru gà ¶tà ¼rmeleri birà §ok araà ¾tà ½rmacà ½yà ½ bunun nedeni ile ilgilenmeye yà ¶neltmià ¾tir (Morgan, 1998). Bu ilgi à ¶rgà ¼t kà ¼ltà ¼rà ¼ ile ilgili bir takà ½m kavramlarà ½n gelià ¾mesini saà °lamà ½Ãƒ ¾tà ½r. Bu à §alà ½Ãƒ ¾ma iki bà ¶là ¼mden oluà ¾maktadà ½r. Birinci bà ¶là ¼m Ãâ€"rgà ¼t Kà ¼ltà ¼rà ¼ kavramà ½nà ½ atomize ederek baà ¾ta à ¶rgà ¼t ,ardà ½nda kà ¼ltà ¼r kavramlarà ½nà ½ ià ¾leyecek adà ½ndan ise bir bà ¼tà ¼n olarak Ãâ€"rgà ¼t Kà ¼ltà ¼rà ¼nà ¼ irdeleyecektir. à kinci bà ¶là ¼m ise Ãâ€"rgà ¼t Kà ¼ltà ¼rà ¼nà ¼n temel unsurlarà ½ olanVarsayà ½mlar,deà °erler, Normlar ve dià °er unsurlarà ½n tek tek ele alà ½nà ½p incelenmesinden oluà ¾maktadà ½r. Bà Rà NCà  BÃâ€"LÃÅ"M:Ãâ€"RGÃÅ"T KÃÅ"LTÃÅ"RÃÅ" Ãâ€"rgà ¼t: Ãâ€"rgà ¼tà ¼n deà °ià ¾ik tanà ½mlarà ½ yapà ½lmà ½Ãƒ ¾tà ½r. Barnard (1994), â€Å"à ¶rgà ¼tà ¼, iki veya daha fazla bireyin bilinà §li olarak koordine edilmià ¾ etkinliklerinin veya gà ¼Ãƒ §lerinin bir sistemi† olarak tanà ½mlamà ½Ãƒ ¾ ve bir à ¶rgà ¼tà ¼n, ortak bir amacà ½ baà ¾armak ià §in aksiyona katkà ½da bulunmaya gà ¶nà ¼llà ¼, birbirleriyle iletià ¾ime girebilen bireyler olduà °unda ortaya à §Ãƒ ½ktà ½Ãƒ °Ãƒ ½nà ½ à ¶ne sà ¼rmà ¼Ãƒ ¾tà ¼r. Schein (1970) à ¶rgà ¼tà ¼; â€Å"ià ¾ ve ià ¾ bà ¶là ¼mà ¼ yapà ½larak, bir otorite ve sorumluluk hiyerarà ¾isi ià §inde, ortak amaà § ya da amacà ½n gerà §ekleà ¾tirilmesi ià §in bir araya gelen insanlarà ½n, gerà §ekleà ¾tirdikleri faaliyetlerinin ussal eà ¾gà ¼dà ¼mà ¼Ã¢â‚¬ , Etzoni (1964) â€Å"belirli amaà §lara ulaà ¾mak ià §in kurulmuà ¾ toplumsal birimler†, Marc ve Simon (1958) ise, â€Å"à ¼yeleri arasà ½nda ilià ¾kiden oluà ¾an toplumsal bir yapà ½Ã¢â‚¬  olarak tanà ½mlamà ½Ãƒ ¾lardà ½r. Genià ¾ anlamà ½yla à ¶rgà ¼t; belirli amaà §lar doà °rultusunda kià ¾ilerin à §abalarà ½nà ½n eà ¾gà ¼dà ¼mlendià °i bir yà ¶netim ià ¾levi; amaà §, insan, teknoloji boyutlarà ½nà ½n etkileà ¾tià °i bir sistem; kià ¾ilià °ini belirleyen ve kendine à ¶zgà ¼ bir kà ¼ltà ¼rà ¼ olan; ià ¾leri, mevkileri, à §alà ½Ãƒ ¾anlarà ½ ve aralarà ½ndaki yetki ve iletià ¾im ilià ¾kilerini gà ¶steren bir yapà ½dà ½r. Kà ¼ltà ¼r: Kà ¼ltà ¼r kavramà ½ birà §ok bilimsel araà ¾tà ½rma disiplini ya da uygulama alanà ½nda kullanà ½la gelmektedir. Bu à §ok alanlà ½là ½k kà ¼ltà ¼re pek à §ok farklà ½ yaklaà ¾Ãƒ ½mà ½ ve farklà ½ kà ¼ltà ¼r tanà ½mlarà ½nà ½ da beraberinde getirmektedir. Dolayà ½sà ½yla biyoloji, sosyoloji,tarih, antropoloji, gà ¼zel sanatlar,felsefe vb. konularda ele alà ½nan kà ¼ltà ¼r kavramà ½nà ½ tek bir tanà ½mla belirlemek olanaksà ½z hale gelmektedir. Genel olarak bir à §ok tanà ½mdan ortak bià §imde à §Ãƒ ½karà ½labilecek tanà ½ma gà ¶re kà ¼ltà ¼r, insanlarà ½n dà ¼nyaya bakà ½Ãƒ ¾ aà §Ãƒ ½sà ½nà ½, olaylarà ½ ve bireyleri algà ½lama bià §imlerini belirlemektedir ve aynà ½ topluluà °a ait bireylerce paylaà ¾Ãƒ ½lan, bir nesilden dià °erine geà §en tutum, davranà ½Ãƒ ¾,deà °erlendirme, inanà § ve yaà ¾am bià §imlerini yorumlamayà ½ saà °layan bir olgu olarak tanà ½mlanabilir.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Criticism of V for Vendetta

Criticism on V for Vendetta â€Å"Remember, remember, the Fifth of November, the Gunpowder Treason and Plot. I know of no reason why the Gunpowder Treason should ever be forgot† is the sentence that begins the film. â€Å"V for Vendetta† is a story of vengeance against the government in England. V is a man that was being held in a concentration camp and suffers from the experimentation by the hands of the scientists’ government. Then, he destroys and escapes from the facility and slowly hunts down his tormentors and gathers the citizens of England to form revolutionaries towards the totalitarian government (Armstrong, 2006).After that, he turns out to be a terrorist that wear dark clothes and a Guy Fawkes mask that murder and explode buildings with his tricks in order to achieve his goals. Then, he saves a girl, Evey, which is being abuse by the government’s rape-hungry secret police known as â€Å"Fingermen†. He made Evey to be his supporter and pr oceed his strategy on governmental destruction well by awaken and empower the people of England to form a revolution. He convinces the people by saying, â€Å"If you want to see who is responsible, look no further than a mirror,† he tells the country’s citizens. I understand, you were afraid,† he says by way of forgiving them. It’s the people who put Britain’s corrupt, hate-driven government in power, and it’s the people who must stop it. â€Å"People should not be afraid of their governments,† pronounces V, â€Å"governments should be afraid of their people† (Tyler, 2012). In fact, there are ideas in this film which relates to the mass society theory in terms of society and politics. For instances, V’s belief stated that, â€Å"People should not be afraid of their governments.Governments should be afraid of their people†. Hence, this film can be strongly influence the society to use the idea of forming a revolutio n to against the monarchs of their particular country. Consequently, the film director, James McTeigue, noted that, â€Å"We felt the [graphic] novel was very prescient to how the political climate is at the moment. It really showed what can happen when society is ruled by  government, rather than the government being run as a voice of the people† (Ott, 2010).Besides that, another idea that is being point out from this film â€Å"Politicians lie to hide the truth, artists tell lies to reveal it† (Tyler, 2012). From that sentence, it is assuming that politicians tend to cover up their wrongdoings by many lies meanwhile artists uses lies to reveal the truth in something. Thus, this may create a perception from all the audiences who have watched this film that politicians are not very trustable and deceitful. According to Ott (2010), he conducted a study on the role of political affect in cinema by analyzing â€Å"V for Vendetta†.He argued that, â€Å"Vendetta h as an array of visceral resonances, pulsations, intensities, and sensations to invites viewers to reject a politics of apathy in favor of a politics of democratic struggle†. Furthermore, he also mentioned that in this film it has a relationship with politics and mass. In political rhetoric, the film would urged audiences not to keep silent as their rights and liberties were being restrict and also empowered them to speak out against their government. In conclusion, â€Å"V for Vendetta† film is one of the true examples on how the society will be influence by the idea of the film is illustrating.By relating this film with the mass society theory, it has the significant connection between political and society. References Armstrong, A. (2006, March 17). V's Vendetta Can't Ground Freedom. Retrieved June 14, 2012, from Colorado Freedom Report: http://www. freecolorado. com/2006/03/vendetta. html Ott, B. L. (2010). The Visceral Politics of V for Vendetta: On Political Affect in Cinema. Critical Studies in Media Communication , 39-54. Tyler, J. (2012). V for Vendetta. Retrieved June 14, 2012, from CinemaBlend. com: http://www. cinemablend. com/reviews/V-for-Vendetta-1472. html

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Life of Pi by Yann Martel - Discussion Questions

Life of Pi by Yann Martel is one of those books that becomes richer when you can discuss it with friends. These book club discussion questions on Life of Pi will allow your book club to delve into the questions Martel raises.Spoiler Warning: These book club discussion questions reveal important details about Life of Pi by Yann Martel. Finish the book before reading on. Pi believes that animals in a zoo are no worse off than animals in the wild. Do you agree with him?Pi considers himself a convert to Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism? Is it possible to practice all three faiths faithfully? What is Pis reasoning in not choosing one?Pis story of surviving on a lifeboat with zoo animals is rather incredible. Did the far-fetched nature of the story ever bother you? Was Pi a convincing storyteller?What is the significance of the floating islands with the meerkats?Discuss Richard Parker. What does he symbolize?What is the connection between zoology and religion in Pis life? Do you see connections between these fields? What does each of the fields teach us about life, survival, and meaning?Pi is forced to tell the shipping official a more credible story. Does his story without animals change your view of the story with animals?Neither story can be proved one way or the other, so Pi asks the official which story he prefers. Which do you prefer? Which do you believe?Throughout Life of Pi, we hear about interactions between the author and adult Pi. How do these interactions color the story? How does knowing Pi survives and has a happy ending with a family affect your reading of his survival account?What is the significance of the name Pi?Rate Life of Pi on a scale of 1 to 5.